Dr. Gábor Germus
Germus & Partners
H-1013 Budapest
Pauler u. 11.
Tel: +361 279-3330
Dr. Gábor Germus is the Head and Founding Partner of Germus & Partners, a leading Hungarian law firm, providing quality legal services covering the entire range of business law, with specific experience in international IP litigation.
He received his law degree in 1994 from Eötvös Loránd University. During his studies in 1992 he developed his knowledge as a Tempus Fellow at Radboud University Law School in Nijmegen, The Netherlands. In 1997, he studied and researched as a DAV Fellow in Koblenz, Germany.
He is a regular speaker at IIR Masterclass events. Since 1997, he has been a member of Deutsche Anwaltverein.
His working languages are Hungarian, English and German.
- Patents, trademarks, utility models, designs, domains.
- Applications in Hungary and abroad.
- Oppositions, comments, consultancy.
- Contract drafting and commenting.
- Representation before the Hungarian Intellectual Property Office, the Office for Harmonisation in the Internal Market (Alicante), courts as well as competent legal forums.
Germus & Partners is a leading Hungarian law firm, providing quality legal services covering the entire range of business law. The firm practices in the fields of IP/IT, Life Sciences, Competition, Real Property, Commercial Litigation, Corporate, Administrative Law and Employment.
Our clients are multinational companies and foreign and local large and medium-sized businesses. In our work, we are driven by our commitment to serve our clients in a practical way to the highest possible standard, while creating value for the client.
We are members in networks of international top law offices enabling us to also fully represent our clients’ interest outside Hungary. Moreover, as members of several trade organizations, we attend professional events and are active on the legal scene. Our partners in the office are actively engaged at INTA events and as IP-IT co-chairs in TAGLAW. We are members of Deutscher Anwaltverein and AIPPI.
“Gábor is admired for his ability to assist clients in the pharmaceutical sector with patent matters.”