India: No Trademark Rights On “CHUR CHUR NAAN”

The Plaintiff claiming to be registered proprietor and user of the trademarks “CHUR CHUR NAAN” and “AMRITSARI CHUR CHUR NAAN” filed a suit for infringement and passing off seeking injunction against the use of the mark “PAHARGANJ KE CHUR CHUR NAAN” and “AMRITSARI CHUR CHUR NAAN”. The dispute involved two outlets based in Paharganj, Delhi which were using competing marks for their outlets. The question before the court was that whether there can be […]

By | June 12th, 2019 ||

Update On The CRISPR IP Saga And Lessons To Be Learnt

This seminar will provide an overview of the CRISPR IP saga, discussion of considerations in relation to freedom-to-operate for use of the technology and an update on the lessons to be learnt from the IP issues which have inflicted major costs on those involved.
Thursday 27th June, Der Teufelhof Basel, 6pm
CRISPR gene-editing continues to hit headlines regularly as a ground-breaking technology with many millions now flowing into companies seeking to exploit the technology in both […]

By | June 12th, 2019 ||

The Patent Box Regime In India

Section 115BBF of the Finance Bill, 20161 introduced the Patent Box Regime in India. Patent Box Regime is an effort which enables an inventor to benefit through tax concessions on the royalty income. The first country to enforce it was Ireland and hence, the name is derived from its tax form.
Need for the Patent Box Regime in India

The existing regime which  provided front end incentive was not sufficient to encourage patenting and innovations in […]

By | June 12th, 2019 ||