Canada: Trademark Assignments: “Inexcusable Activity” Will Cost You

In a recent Federal Court decision, Justice Barnes issued a harsh rebuke to parties who had deliberately misled the Registrar of Trademarks into recording a trademark assignment, by omitting relevant parts of the underlying agreement and the dispute between the parties about the agreement.

In 2012, Red Cat and Dayton Enterprises entered into a poorly drafted asset acquisition agreement filled with prospective language, such as “will acquire”, “will provide”, and “will be granted”. As part of […]

By | February 5th, 2018 ||

Ecuador: Crocs Inc Successfully Enforces 3D Marks In Biggest Ever Anti-Counterfeiting Operation

The Ecuadorian IP Office recently seized more than 37,000 items during operations carried out simultaneously at seven stores and a warehouse in three different cities – Guayaquil, Manta and Portoviejo.

The action came about as the result of a request by Crocs Inc, through an administrative infringement action, for an injunction against the ontinued infringement of its rights in three-dimensional (3D) marks registered in Ecuador.

The infringer was selling goods identical to those already prevented from […]

By | January 26th, 2018 ||

Bangladesh: DPDT Imposes 15% VAT Over Govt. Fees On All IP Matters

The Department of Patents, Designs and Trademarks, Bangladesh (hereinafter referred to as “DPDT, Bangladesh”) vide an official notification dated March 12, 2018, has imposed 15% Value Added Tax (hereinafter referred to as “VAT”) under local VAT Rules (Rule 18(e) of Value Added Tax Rules, 1991) over Government Fees i.e. official fees, on all Intellectual Property matters in Bangladesh.

DPDT, Bangladesh vide such order has imposed 15% VAT on the total amount of money received from beneficiary for […]

By | January 16th, 2018 ||