Luxembourg’s New IP Tax Regime For 2018

Following Luxembourg’s 2018 budget law approval, IP owners are eagerly expecting the draft law on the new IP regime to be voted during the first trimester of 2018. If approved, the new rules are expected to apply as from 2018, so let’s have a look over the outline of this new exemption regime and how to be prepared for it!

This bill, which was initiated by the Finance Minister and drafted in collaboration with the direct […]

By | January 6th, 2018 ||

Canada: Copyright In The Subject Matter Of A Photograph

A recent decision of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit raises some interesting issues concerning the copyright in a photograph.
The Facts
The case involved a famous photograph that the plaintiff took in 1984 of Michael Jordan, who at the time was a student at the University of North Carolina.  The photo originally appeared in Life magazine as part of a photo essay featuring American athletes competing in the 1984 Summer Olympic […]

By | December 24th, 2017 ||

Pharma Trademarks In Brazil: Going To Court To Get Your Name

Many multinational drug makers are active in Brazil. However, they must often forgo their first choice for a brand and move forward with less desirable options because of the difficulties during the registration process. New rules on the approval of medicine names, together with easier access to Brazilian courts, can help with new strategies for pharmaceutical brands in the country.

When selecting and clearing a new name, drug makers must still choose a brand that […]

By | December 4th, 2017 ||