Spain: Payment Of Official Fees In USD Suspended Temporarily

We take this opportunity to inform you that the Venezuelan Patent and Trademark Office (SAPI) has informed by official notice published on February 02, 2018 that they have suspended temporarily payments in USD for their services.

Such decision is based on the revocation of the regulation that fixed the Exchange Rate to be used to calculate the Official Fees in said currency.

This announcement applies to the Official Fees to be paid by Foreign IP owners […]

By | September 19th, 2017 ||

Poland: Lack Of Resources One Reason Behind Unintentional Distribution Of Counterfeit Goods

SMEs often manufacture their products abroad in countries where the workforce is cheaper. Foreign contractors offer products specially designed for SMEs or from catalogues. In most cases, entrepreneurs are assured that the foreign contractor possesses all the necessary IP rights to each product.

Therefore, it is no surprise that SMEs are often confused when facing allegations of IP infringement. When goods do not bear popular or renowned trademarks, but rather infringe copyrights or figurative trademarks […]

By | September 9th, 2017 ||

Employees’ Inventions In The Scope Of Turkish Industrial Property Code

Legislator wants to protect worker’s effort and incentivize them to make innovation. In this respect, Turkish Industrial Property Code Law No: 6769 (“IPC”) not only secures the employee when an invention created but also protects employer’s contribution.

IPC categorizes the employees’ inventions in to two groups:

Service Inventions
Independent Inventions

According to the description given by the IPC; a service invention is the invention that is created by an employee

i.) while fulfilling his/her duties that is […]

By | August 28th, 2017 ||