What Are Trademarks Under Vietnam’s IP Law?

“Mark means any sign used to distinguish goods or services of different organizations or individuals” – according to Clause 16 Article 4, Intellectual Property Law 2005 (IP Law) of Vietnam (as amended and supplemented 2009). The trademark thereby comprises two functions, which are referred to as the distinguishing function and the function of indicating the source.

The trademark may be presented in the form of words, devices or a combination thereof in one or several […]

By | March 26th, 2016 ||

The Cyprus Intellectual Property Tax Regime

In our article “A Step by Step guide for forming a Company in Cyprus” published in August 2017 we demonstrated to the reader a detailed approach of the benefits and procedure to be taken in setting up a Company in Cyprus. In continuation to this article we decided to provide a further analysis of the benefits surrounding a Cyprus Holding Company. As a result of questions raised by various prospective clients today we shall […]

By | July 5th, 0201 ||