Implementation Of The Limitation Of Goods And Services By The Turkish Patent And Trademark Office

The Turkish Patent and Trademark Office (‘office’) applies the Nice Classification for the classification of goods and services in the registration process of national and international trademarks.

Undertakings try to avoid possible conflicts by, for example, restricting their trademarks to the area in which they operate and/or differentiating the goods and services within the scope of their trademark from those covered by earlier similar trademarks. In other words, undertakings aim to circumvent the trademark rights and fields […]

By | February 8th, 2023 ||

Schwab v. Schwab UDRP Results In Reverse Domain Name Hijacking Decision

Illustrating the dangers of filing a UDRP complaint where the domain registrant’s name and the asserted trademark are identical, a recent Uniform Dispute Resolution Policy (“UDRP”) decision denied the complaint, with a two-panelist majority finding the complaint failed to establish two of the three UDRP elements.

Complainant Charles Schwab has offered financial services under its SCHWAB and SCHWAB-formative marks for almost four decades. Respondent Simon Schwab, claiming to be an entrepreneur who began providing loans […]

By | February 8th, 2023 ||

Enforcing IP Rights In Cambodia: Available Customs Measures

The available options for enforcing intellectual property (IP) in Cambodia have steadily increased over the past years, and both enforcement authorities and IP owners have gained valuable experience in enforcement operations. This experience, alongside new legal developments, has contributed to an increase in successful IP enforcement cases—most notably those involving the police or the courts in Cambodia.

Targeted government policies have further fostered a more robust IP enforcement framework in Cambodia for both local and […]

By | February 5th, 2023 ||