Use It Or Lose It: Non-Use Of A Registered Trademark In Malaysia

In Malaysia, trademark matters are governed by the Trademarks Act 2019 (“TA 2019”), the Trademarks Regulations 2019 as well as the relevant case law (related to trademark) decided by the courts.

Once a trademark is registered with the Intellectual Property Corporation of Malaysia (“MyIPO”) (“Registered Trademark”), the TA 2019 grants to the proprietor of such Registered Trademark:

the exclusive right to use such Registered Trademark in relation to the goods or services for which the […]

By | January 25th, 2023 ||

BELIZE – New Country To Join The Madrid System

The Madrid System, a convenient and cost-effective solution for registering and managing trademarks worldwide, welcomes a new participant to its list of signatory countries. Belize, a Caribbean country on the northeastern coast of Central America has deposited its instrument of accession to the Madrid Protocol on November 24, 2022 thus becoming the 113th member of the Madrid System. The Madrid System now covers a total of 129 countries through 113 member IP offices.
The Madrid […]

By | January 22nd, 2023 ||

All Necessary Procedures For Registering A Position Trademark In Brazil Are Finally Implemented By The Brazilian PTO (INPI)

The protection of position trademarks in Brazil are available since October 1st, 2021, by means of INPI´s Ordinance No. 37/2021, which established the rules on registering position trademarks in Brazil.

Position marks are trademarks that are placed on or affixed to goods in a specific way. They are often used in the fashion sector, for example, to protect elements of decoration of shoes, eyeglasses frames and clothes.

According to the INPI´s ordinance, position marks eligible for […]

By | January 19th, 2023 ||